The first session to present the results of the All4Children-The Integrated Model of Family Foster Care (MIAF®) to promote high-quality child welfare practices in Portugal took place on December 12, 2024, at Iscte-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa.

The All4Children project, led by researcher Joana Baptista, from the Center for Psychological Research and Social Intervention (CIS-Iscte), aims to evaluate the implementation of MIAF®, a model based on a child-centered approach, trauma-informed family strengths, covering the entire continuum of Family Care.
At the event held in December, the project team returned the preliminary results of the implementation of the MIAF to the Fostering Agencies. In a dynamic and interactive session, this meeting not only allowed a reflection on current practices in foster care, but also the exploration of how the project results can contribute to the continuous improvement of these practices. This working session also included contributions from Professor Jesús Palacios (University of Seville), a consultant on the project.
Considering this meeting to be “a key moment in the project's progress”, researcher Joana Baptista points out that “the results presented and the debates held reflect the strong commitment of all the involved institutions in contributing to the quality of foster care practices in Portugal, reinforcing the central role of the child in all processes. This joint commitment highlights the importance of working collaboratively, based on scientific evidence, to promote significant and sustainable changes that directly benefit children and families.”
© 2024 José Sequeira | Iscte
The All4Children project is funded by FCT (2022.03592.PTDC, DOI: 10.54499/2022.03592.PTDC) and has ProChild CoLAB, Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa, Universidade do Minho and Universidade Católica Portuguesa as partners.