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The Doctoral Program in Psychology offers training in line with the highest international standards, with a clear a focus on the development of autonomous and innovative research in Psychology, but also preparing for intervention with an emphasis on psycho-social processes involved in responses to public policies.

The Program attracts national and international students with diverse backgrounds, who are encouraged from early on to integrate national and international networks, and to disseminate their research in peer reviewed publications and presentations in scientific conferences and to society, activities largely supported with internal funds.

Designed to empower aspiring researchers with the autonomy to innovate and excel in their exploration of the human mind, this Program also wants to foster a vibrant community of scholars dedicated to making meaningful contributions to society by tackling relevant social problems through cutting-edge research and inclusive collaboration.

Day of the PhD Program (Iscte)

Day of the PhD Program (Iscte)

On June 20, 2024, CIS-Iscte and LAPSO presented the Doctoral Program in Psychology at Iscte's Day of PhD programs.

Opening session XIX PhD Meeting

Opening session XIX PhD Meeting

Opening session of the XIX PhD Meeting in Psychology (May, 2024)

Public at XIX PhD Meeting in Psychology

Public at XIX PhD Meeting in Psychology

Public at the XIX PhD Meeting in Psychology (May, 2024)

Poster session

Poster session

Poster Session of the XIX PhD Meeting in Psychology (May, 2024)

Social event

Social event

Social event of the XIX PhD Meeting in Psychology (May, 2024)

Organizing Committee XVIII PhD Meeting

Organizing Committee XVIII PhD Meeting

The organizing committee of the XVIII PhD Meeting in Psychology (May, 2023)

Social event of PhD Meeting

Social event of PhD Meeting

Researchers networking at the XVIII PhD Meeting in Psychology (May, 2023)

Poster for the XIX PhD Meeting in Psychology

Poster for the XIX PhD Meeting in Psychology

The PhD Meeting in Psychology is a yearly conference organized by the first year students of the Doctoral Program.

Poster session

Poster session

Poster session at the XVIII PhD Meeting in Psychology (May, 2023)

Poster session

Poster session

Poster session at the XVIII PhD Meeting in Psychology (May, 2023)

Public at the PhD Meeting

Public at the PhD Meeting

Public at the XVIII PhD Meeting in Psychology (May, 2023)

Iscte Building 4

Iscte Building 4

The new building of Iscte, CVTT, is a hub for scientific research. Classes and seminars of the doctoral program take place in this building.

European Researchers' Night 2023

European Researchers' Night 2023

Our doctoral students often engage in public outreach activities such as the European Researchers' Night.

PubhD 8 mar 2023

PubhD 8 mar 2023

Our doctoral students often engage in public outreach activities such as the PubhD, in which they informally present their project to the lay public in a bar.

Open session of the Doctoral Program

Open session of the Doctoral Program

The Doctoral Program in Psychology regularly organizes research seminars over the school year, often with international guests.

Research Seminar

Research Seminar

The Doctoral Program in Psychology regularly organizes research seminars over the school year, often with international guests.

Poster of the inaugural session of PhD Program

Poster of the inaugural session of PhD Program

The poster of the inaugural session of PhD Program, term 2023/24.

The program is taught in English and has a duration of four years (full or part-time). It provides diversified learning opportunities both through a curricular component of conceptual and methodological consolidation and academic skills training and through a set of complementary training activities, regular monitoring and discussion of the work in progress.

In addition to the close monitoring by the supervisory team and regular discussion of work in progress with peers and researchers internal and external to the institution, students also benefit from constructive feedback from an independent scientific consultant who regularly monitors their research progress.

Iscte's building 4 Iscte-Knowledge and Innovation

Do you want to apply?



The Lisbon PhD in Social Psychology (LiSP) is an FCT-funded inter-university doctoral program integrating three existing Doctoral programs in Social Psychology in Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL, University of Lisbon and ISPA - Instituto Universitário).

It combines the teaching and research expertise of some of the best social psychologists in the country and benefits from the collaborations, facilities and other synergies created between the institutions involved in the program.


Eduardo Reis

Behavioral Scientist, Novo Nordisk

During my doctoral studies at CIS-Iscte (...) I felt that I was provided with a holistic approach to truly understanding Social Psychology.

Raquel Bertoldo

Associate Professor, University of Aix-Marseille

The time I spent at CIS-Iscte as a doctoral student was fundamental to my personal and professional development in social psychology research.

João Graça

Assistant Professor, University of Groningen

Iscte's Doctoral Program in Psychology (...) was a challenging, rewarding and empowering experience.



Centre for Psychological Research

and Social Intervention

Avenida das Forças Armadas, 40

1649-026 Lisboa, Portugal

Iscte-Conhecimento e Inovação, Ed. 4, Sala B123

Telefone: +351 210 464 017 


Institutional Affiliation

Logo Iscte


Logo FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia

CIS-Iscte is  funded by FCT through the program "Financiamento do Plano Estratégico de Unidades de I&D", with the reference UIDB/03125/2020, DOI: 10.54499/UIDB/03125/2020.

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