Our team of experts is comprised of 52 full members and additional 7 collaborator researchers.
Iscte's Doctoral Program in Psychology trains for autonomous and innovative research in Psychology.
Between 2018 and 2023, our research unit secured over 10M € in funding.
The diversity of cultural backgrounds and experiences fosters a rich scientific environment.
Established in 1989, the Centre for Psychological Research and Social Intervention (CIS-Iscte) has undergone a remarkable journey, evolving into a prestigious hub for psychosocial research in Portugal and beyond.
Early Years Founded in 1989, CIS-Iscte (at the time CIIS) integrated Iscte’s research units and was focused on the area of social psychology. In 1991 it became established as an independent non-profit research center still based at Iscte. It was dedicated to developing research, social interventions, and scientific training within the broader framework of the social sciences. With time, CIS-Iscte garnered a reputation as a center of reference in Social Psychology, attracting public and private funding for its research endeavors. Accompanying Iscte’s growth and development as a University, CIS’ link to higher education also grew, with close ties Iscte’s School of Social Sciences and the Psychology Department. Broadening of Areas of ExpertiseAlong the years, and building upon its foundational principles, CIS-Iscte's mission has evolved to reflect and address contemporary challenges and emerging research paradigms. The center's commitment to producing excellent research and impacts on social psychological processes remained steadfast, but with an expanded scope integrating different levels of analysis and methodological approaches, as well as synergies with other disciplines. This emphasis on interdisciplinary collaboration has solidified CIS-Iscte's position as an internationally recognized center of excellence, fostering strong collaborative partnerships with private and public organizations, and leading international experts across the social and life sciences.
Throughout its history, CIS-Iscte has also prioritized the training of students and young researchers, supporting the development of their research skills, internationalization, and career. CIS-Iscte's dedication to excellence in research, training and impact was reaffirmed by its classification as "Excellent" in the 2019 evaluation exercise of national R&D units by the Portuguese Science Foundation (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia – FCT).TODAY
With a firm commitment to addressing the complexities of our world, CIS-Iscte strives to tackle societal challenges, driven by the principles and objectives of the UN 2030 Agenda, the EU Twin Agendas with the Strategic Foresight Report for a more Resilient Europe, the National Agenda for Higher Education, and the Economic Recovery and Resilience Plan for Portugal. Through our multi-level and theoretically-driven approach, we undertake basic and applied psychological research that empowers individuals and communities, creating knowledge that has a positive and lasting social impact.
Together, we are making societies thrive through the transformative power of Psychology.
The Directive Board is responsible for making strategic decisions, planning activities and managing and allocating funds to support research and PhD student activities. The Board also makes regular reports to Iscte and funding agencies on the research and activities of the center. CIS-Iscte's director is nominated from and by the Scientific Council and approved by the Rector of Iscte for a two year term. The director appoints two deputy directors from the scientific council.
The scientific committee has four members elected from and by the scientific council. The Committee supports and advises the Directive Board on strategic and management decisions and decides on the acceptance of new members.
The scientific council is made up of all full members of the center. The Council discusses the yearly budget and negotiates the priorities for the use of available funds, orients the organization of research groups and defines the main strategic goals of the research center.
Science Manager
Science Manager
Science Manager
Doctoral Programs
Science Communication
Science Manager
The Ethics Committee of CIS-Iscte embodies a critical mission aligned with Iscte’s highest ethical standards in research involving humans. The role of this committee is to review research projects hosted in CIS-Iscte regarding ethical issues, according to (inter)national guidelines for conducting research in Psychology. It is the committee’s mission to ensure that the research conducted in CIS-Iscte respects the autonomy, safeguards confidentiality and upholds the dignity of human participants, as it ensures the rigor and integrity of the research process.
The Ethics Committee of CIS-Iscte consists or researchers Carla Mouro, Eunice Magalhães, Marta Matos (chair), and Oleksandr Horchak.
CIS-Iscte has an External Advisory Board that meets regularly for discussions with the Directive Board and the Scientific Committee about the center’s scientific activities and direction. The Advisory Board includes five international experts in the scientific domains represented at the research center.