CIS-Iscte would like to inform you that a tender procedure is open for the recruitment of a Junior Researcher, in the scientific area of Psychology, within the scope of the "GreenCity4Aging" project, funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I. P. (FCT) through national funds included in the FCT budget, in the form of an individual employment contract for an uncertain term, concluded under the Labor Code, opened by notice no. 695/2024 of May 23.
This tender procedure aims to recruit 1 Junior Researcher in the scientific area of Psychology, within the scope of the "GreenCity4Aging" project, with an individual employment contract for an uncertain term.
Applications are open until June 6, 2024, and must be made exclusively through Iscte's recruitment platform:
The information presented here does not replace the need to read the public notice:
Links where the notice has been published: