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CONVERSA: Políticas LGBTQIA+ no Brasil: Do ativismo ao artivismo

The next discussion of the cycle "Género & Sociedade" (Gender & Society) will take place on September 26, 2023, at 18:00 (6 P.M.) at the Centro de Cultura e Intervenção Feminista da UMAR, Alcântara. We will talk with Leandro Colling, from the Federal University of Bahia, about Brazilian LGBTQIA+ policies, activism, and artivism. João Manuel de Oliveira (CIS-Iscte) will oversee the moderation.

The event will be held in Portuguese. Free entry.

© 2020 Editora Devires ("Arte da Resistência" bookcover)

Género e Sociedade is a cycle of discussions that aims to present gender impacts and their intersections with other matrices of privilege and oppression in societies. This cycle is an initiative of CIS-Iscte hosted by UMAR's Center for Culture and Feminist Intervention, aiming to take knowledge and debate outside the university walls. With an informal and open tone, we present researchers who bring their questions, doubts, and research to be discussed and appreciated.

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