EDIT: The results for this call can be found below:
The Centre for Psychological Research and Social Intervention of Iscte – University Institute of Lisbon opens a call for the award of 1 research studentship in the scope of the project “ADOPT-Adoptive families’ strengths, difficulties and service needs: A Portuguese follow-up study (REF. PTDC/SOC-ASO/4158/2020), funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P ./MCTES, through national funds (PIDDAC) within the scope of the SR&TD Projects in all scientific domains 2020.
Scientific Area: Psychology.
The research studentship is aimed at applicants enrolled in courses non conferring academic degree for developing Research & Development activities. The studentship is foreseen to start in February 2023 and the duration will be 12 months (up to the maximum limit of the funding approved or the maximum duration of this type of grant, whichever comes first).
The call is open from November 29th to December 14th, 2022. Only applications submitted within the deadline through the recruitment platform (https://recrutamento.iscte-iul.pt/jobs/260) will be admitted.
Other links where the notice has been publiced:
All the information in the PDF Notice and Templates.
Notice and templates:
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