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Secured funding from “la Caixa” Foundation's Social Observatory for three CIS-Iscte projects

The Center for Psychological Research and Social Intervention (CIS-Iscte) is pleased to announce that it has secured funding for three research projects in the social sciences, as part of the call FS24-1B promoted by the Social Observatory of the “la Caixa” Foundation. The aim of this call was to support projects that use quantitative survey data to investigate the social impact of longevity in Portugal.

The CIS-Iscte researchers who received funding are:

Sandra Godinho, with the project “Taking action for future generations: Pro-environmental behaviors in an aging population”, which aims to analyze why and how older people can become more active with regard to pro-social and environmental behavior, identifying determinants, moderators, boundary conditions and recovery outcomes for their well-being, and testing the impact of informed interventions.

João Mariano, with the project “What changed? Experiences and expressions of ageism 15 years after the European Social Survey module”. This project aims to map the current prevalence of ageism in relation to older and younger age groups and examine potential changes 15 years after the first comprehensive international assessment of this type of prejudice.

Cristiane Souza, with the project “Boosting Healthy Longevity: Remote assessment of sociopsychological factors for cognitive health”. This project aims to identify the main sociopsychological characteristics and the state of cognitive maintenance in the Portuguese elderly population, and to understand how sociopsychological factors contribute to the maintenance of cognition in the ageing process.

CIS-Iscte congratulates the researchers on the recognition and support for their projects, which promise to make significant contributions to the issue of social challenges related to longevity. This funding will allow us to deepen our knowledge of critical issues, promoting more effective interventions and policies to address contemporary social challenges.



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