CIS-Iscte researchers Susana Schmitz, Melanie Vauclair and Miriam Rosa were part of the research team for a Francisco Manuel dos Santos Foundation study on age discrimination (ageism) in the workplace. The results of the study were recently published in Portuguese on the Foundations' website.
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This research included a representative sample of the Portuguese population and its results show that more than 40% of young people between the ages of 18 and 35 have experienced discrimination at work because of their age. The stereotypes most frequently attributed to this age group include lack of commitment, lack of work ethic and arrogance.
The results also indicate that ageism is a two-way problem: if young people are discriminated by older workers, it is the young population that perpetuates stereotypes associated with older generations. Younger workers consider older workers to have less adaptability, less valuable skills and poorer performance.
This research provides an understanding of how ageism in the workplace is a serious problem for organizations and provides recommendations for combating it. The full report of the study is available on the Francisco Manuel dos Santos Foundation website (, and a summary of the main conclusions is presented in the video below (in Portuguese):