Public PhD Defense of Sara Soares
CONFERENCE: Our senses and emotions towards innovative experiential strategies
Public PhD Defense of Cristiane Souza
CONFERENCE: Towards a Better Understanding of Implicit Bias Beyond Unconsciousness and Dishonesty
Encontro Nacional sobre Acolhimento Residencial Especializado Terapêutico
Comunidade, Educação e Desenvolvimento: Intervenção e investigação
Webinar: The increasing relevance of European rural young people in policy agendas
Public PhD Defense
"Digital Transformation in Times of Crisis" is the motto for the 1st SocioDigital Lab Conference
Seminar Advanced Issues - The importance of touch for early optimal development
Public PhD Defense
Iscte-Health organizes the III Conference on Societal Health
CONFERENCE: The Psychology of Speciesism and its Intersections with Racism and Sexism
CONFERENCE: Bisexuality, masculinities, and sexual risk
Research Seminar in Psychology - Advanced Issues