The goal of the agreement between F3M and Iscte is to join technology and science to create tools that help institutions improve responses for childhood, youth and the elderly.

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To develop tools that allow institutions to have new responses for the areas of childhood, youth and elderly by bringing together the best of both worlds: the experience of the leading technology company in the social sector and the knowledge of one of the most innovative universities in the country. This is what is intended by the protocol recently signed by F3M and Iscte - University Institute of Lisbon, through its Center for Psychological Research and Social Intervention (CIS-Iscte), which involves a set of activities that will now begin to be implemented together.
With this initiative, the two entities propose to promote specific consultancy and training in the field of psychology, with intervention in socially differentiated groups, from childhood, through youth and old age. The sessions to be held will rely on the experience and know-how of F3M professionals and trainers, who already have a deep knowledge of the sector, as well as researchers and professors from Iscte.
In the scope of the agreement, it is also foreseen participation in common projects that aim to develop new work methodologies for social responses. The idea is to find joint, science-based solutions to optimize the service of the institutions to meet the current and future needs of the various strata of society.
"There is a need to promote and work on new methodologies in the senior areas. To this end, we have to undertake research work, the results of which will be tools to support the longevity responses", says Filipe Cruz, responsible for the F3M Training Centre. "We don't want training to be the beginning and end of our action. We intend to create answers, services that allow institutions to reinforce the quality of the services they provide, through means and resources of excellence, in a perfect combination between F3M and Iscte", adds Filipe Cruz.
From CIS-Iscte, researcher Eunice Magalhães will coordinate this protocol. Action in the field of childhood/youth will be coordinated by the researchers Eunice Magalhães and Joana Baptista; in the field of the elderly, the researcher Marta Matos will be the coordinator.