2/04/2021, 16:00 (GMT+1), with Marko Dragojevic (U. Kentucky)
Dia 22 de abril de 2021 terá lugar a conferência "The Fluency Principle of Language Attitudes", apresentada pelo Professor Marko Dragojevic (University of Kentucky).
Esta conferência é organizada pelo Programa Doutoral em Psicologia do Iscte – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa e irá decorrer via Zoom, das 16h00 às 17h00.
On the 22nd of April of 2021 the lecture "The Fluency Principle of Language Attitudes" will be presented by Professor Marko Dragojevic (University of Kentucky).
This lecture is organized by Iscte’s Doctoral in Psychology and will take place via Zoom from 16h00 to 17h00. -- Zoom: ttps://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/86754728576
Abstract of the presentation:
Language attitudes refer to people’s evaluative reactions to language. Historically, language attitudes have been explained with reference to social categorization and stereotyping: Listeners use speakers’ language to infer which social groups speakers belong to and attribute to them stereotypic traits associated with those groups. More recently, research has shown that language attitudes are also a function of listeners’ processing fluency, defined as the ease or difficulty listeners experience processing a person’s speech. According to the fluency principle of language attitudes, the more difficulty listeners experience processing a person’s speech, the more negatively they evaluate that person. In this talk, I review my research on the fluency principle and discuss how fluency-based interventions can be used to reduce language-based prejudice and discrimination.