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Cortar o mal pela raíz: A podcast to reflect on Online Hate Speech

On June 18, the kNOwHATE project released the first episode of its podcast "Cortar o mal pela raíz" (Nip the evil in the bud). The day was chosen for being the International Day for Countering Hate Speech.

The podcast, divided in four episodes, aims to give voice to diverse perspectives and livings with a common goal: understanding online hate speech in Portuguese to counter it.

The first episode - Boundaries of expression - is available on the project's YouTube page.

The first episode comprises participations of Rita Guerra (researcher of CIS-Iscte, coordinator of the project), Péricles Pina (Lawyer, Former Coordinator of the Support Office for the Commission for Equality and Against Racial Discrimination) and Paula Cardoso (Journalist, Founder of Afrolink). The interviewer is the journalist and actress Cláudia Semedo. The podcast is recorded and will be available in Portuguese.

Here is a teaser for the first episode:

The kNOwHATE project (kNOwing online HATE speech: knowledge + awareness = TacklingHate) is a consortium funded by the European Union (CERV-2021-EQUAL 101049306) made up of four Iscte research units (BRU, CIS, CIES and ISTAR), the Interactive Technologies Institute (LARSyS, Instituto Superior Técnico), INESC-ID Lisboa, Casa do Brasil de Lisboa, the Commission for Equality and Against Racial Discrimination, the ILGA Portugal Association, and SOS Racismo. It is coordinated by researcher Rita Guerra (CIS-Iscte).



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