BEC researchers study fundamental mechanisms underlying cognition, affect and behavior, using a range of behavioral and neurophysiological methods. They also explore potential applications of this basic knowledge for health, development, and social outcomes, by acting in three main topics: 1) Affective processes and regulation; 2) Music and language; and 3) Situated and social cognition.
LessSugar4Kids - Children, parents and teachers’ perspectives on sugar intake reduction
This project is funded by 'la Caixa' Foundation and aims to address the problem of excessive sugar intake in Portuguese children by examining the underlying individual and contextual determinants, and by combining parents', teachers', and children's perspectives. + info
MUSE - Music for the development of social skills: The impact of music training on socio-emocional processing
This FCT funded project explored to what extent music training improves socio-emotional processing in a naturalistic setting, linking laboratory-based research with real-world impact. + info
MISTRUST - Correcting misinformation: The role of source (un)trustworthiness on the effects of repetition and contradiction in judgments of information’s truth-value
This project, funded by EU, aimed to explore methods of correcting misinformation, including convincing people to question fake news by providing information about the untrustworthiness of the source. + info
Preven2Protect - Motivational determinants of consistent condom use
This 'la Caixa' funded project assessed how people’s regulatory motives for security versus pleasure shape how they approach sexual behavior and sexual-health decisions. + info